- Backdoor Agency
- Chris Moiser
The Brief
When first talking with the Spero team it was evident that they are infinitely hopeful for the future and determined to help build one that belongs to everyone.
They approach each day as a new opportunity to create change. We gravitated towards the symbolism and meaning of the dawn to echo this mentality. The Dawn implies the notions of illumination and hope, the beginning of a new day, and thus a chance for happiness and improvement.
We developed the Spero symbol to display an abstracted sunrise through a frame, symbolizing their view of the future; this sets the visual tone for the brand. Building upon the sunrise motif, we dismantled and reassembled the symbol in a myriad of different ways allowing the viewer to have a new view of the sunrise with each new instance.

By creating a flexible system that can adapt and change to the future of Spero we ensured that no matter what collateral needed designing, at launch or in the future, it would not feel stale. Each time showcasing the core elements of the brand, through a new frame.